Food microbiology testing

Microbiological Food Testing 

Microbiological testing is crucial for product safety. To ensure product safety and mitigate the risk of cross-contamination in production, producers, retailers and food processing companies carry out microbiological tests. At QACSFOOD we offer microbiological testing services, supported by scientific and technical expertise in rapid turnaround times. Our methods are accredited according to the ISO 17025 standard ensuring impartiality and data reliability.

Microbiological testing provides hygiene and safety information for foodstuffs. Such information is crucial for consumer safety and regulatory compliance. QACSFOOD Labs provide

  • general food microbiology testing, such as TVC yeasts and fungi
  • hygiene indicators testing, such as enterobacteriaceae,  E. Coli
  • pathogen detection, such as Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes.

Experienced microbiologists and laboratory analysts identify microbial strains and provide evaluation of possible contamination findings. We test for TVC, Yeasts & Molds, Total Coliforms, Enterobacteriaceae, Pathogen detection, Lactic acid bacteria, Pseudomonas etc.

Food preservation studies (challenge test studies) are a useful addition to shelf life and stability studies. Challenge tests examine the behavior of specific microorganisms in food products. Tests are designed to provide information on the effectiveness of the means and/or conditions applied for food preservation.


Food products are inoculated with specific organisms, stored under specified conditions, and tested for the targeted microorganisms at selected time intervals. The type of microorganisms used in the test is specified by the food type and the potential risks of microbial contamination during the product’s life cycle and / or the legislation e.g., challenge test for Listeria monocytogenes. (Limit <100cfu / g up to the expiration date. Ref AFSSA Guide, Reg. 2073/2005).

Tests performed at QACSFOOD are in accordance with the standard methods proposed by European and international norms. Experienced scientists will guide you and will suggest the optimal challenge test protocol adapted to your product.

Environmental Monitoring programs aim to ensure food quality through the verification of hygienic conditions in food processing facilities. QACSFOOD laboratories support the industry’s need for cleaning efficacy and sanitation. We collect information with the microbiological monitoring of products, air and surfaces. Strain identification through genetic testing is the most accurate and reliable method. QACSFOOD’s Environmental Monitoring programs include the study, sampling and testing, microbiologically & molecularly.

Microbiological Food Testing & Food Safety

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