Rancidity Testing
The Rancimat method is an oxidation stability study that calculates the length of time a product is kept unoxidized. QACSFOOD provides Rancidity testing studies for the prediction of life time and the investigation of shelf life extension of oils and fatty foods.
Oxidation studies provide information on the effectiveness of antioxidants. The results are given in a very short time (usually in less than 1 week). Analyzes are performed on Food & Cosmetics
- vegetable and animal fats and oils (olive oil, butter, margarine etc.)
- solid fatty foods (nuts, sesame, etc.)
- complex foods (cookies, mayonnaise, milk powder, chocolate, snacks, dressings, etc.)
- cosmetics containing oils and cosmetics raw materials (eg cbd oil)
The alteration of fats and oils under normal storage conditions occurs mainly due to chemical changes under the influence of atmospheric oxygen (self-oxidation), deriving to organoleptic effects on odor and taste (tanning). Oxidation is a multi-step process that begins with radical reactions in unsaturated fatty acids and leads to decomposition products such as peroxides, alcohols, aldehydes and carboxylic acids.
In practice, Rancidity testing is an accelerated aging process, in which the sample is exposed to conditions that favor oxidation (high temperature and oxygen supply). Based on the time it takes for the accelerated oxidation to take place, the oxidation stability time at the proposed storage conditions of the product is calculated.