Water Testing services
QACSFOOD laboratories have many years of experience in the analysis of water and environmental samples. Water quality is evaluated according to the parameters and limits set by local and European regulations.
A wide range of analysis can be performed in water, based on the needs of each case. A “basic package” of water analysis is available, including chemical and microbiological parameters, which can immediately give a reliable description of water quality.
In some cases “Extensive packages” of analysis are required, that include specialized analysis, such as Polycyclic or Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Volatile Organic Compounds, Radioactivity parameters, etc. Usually addressed to companies and industries that use water for the production purposes, refrigeration, irrigation or human consumption. Specific analysis may be required by environmental terms or corporate regulations.
Sample types include seawater and swimming pool water, groundwater for drills and wells. The analysis may concern drilling licensing, water quality control, monitoring of water suitability for a specific use (eg irrigation) or the implementation of a regular monitoring program.
QACSFOOD laboratories, in addition to the chemical and microbiological analysis, offer consulting services on the sampling, maintenance and water treatment.